Please sign the Network for Justice petition to help grow our network and to register your support against the Death Penalty.

When you join by signing the petition, we will notify the State Representatives from your zip code and give you your own Personal Network Page.

Partner Registration

Our Network:

Our Network has reached 11,519 people.

Network Growth

43 Friends
2,157 Friends-of-Friends
836 3rd Degree Friends
254 4th Degree Friends
64 5th Degree Friends
23 6th Degree Friends
3,378 Total


Partner Organizations


Alert: Assembly Releases Report Detailing Broken Death Penalty System in New York: read it here

Our Petition to Albany:
Keep the death penalty out of our state! The death penalty does not deter others from committing violent crimes nor does it bring closure to victims. It is ineffective and unjust, both discriminatory and wasteful of resources that should be used for crime prevention and victims' services. This issue is critical in determining fair and equal justice for all New York.

What's at Stake:

This issue is critical in determining fair and equal justice for all of us. That's why "New Yorkers to Execute Justice, Not People" has formed the Network for Justice, which lets us take action NOW to ensure that the death penalty does not return to our state.

The Network for Justice uses an exciting new Internet technology that lets our voices be heard. provides the networking tools that will let both individuals and organizations tell Albany that the death penalty does not belong in New York. When you sign the petition on this page, we will create a personal homepage where you can invite your friends to join you , see your personal impact on our campaign, and send a strong message to your local representatives.

Network for Justice proves that one person CAN make a difference! The legislation is pending, and we must act now!

Our Friends